The city of Ganja is located at the foot of the Minor Caucasian Ridge, on the Gjandzhachaj river. It was founded approximately in the 6th AD. In the first half of the 7th century Ganja was destroyed by Persians and in the second half by Arabs. In the mid-10 th century Ganja became the capital of Shadadit - one of a smaller khanates on the territory of Azerbaijan. In the mid-11th century Ganja was conquered by Seljuks. In 1139 there was a big earthquake which destroyed the city; in this connection it was transferred to another place. In the result of the earthquake a number of picturesque lakes was formed: Lake Gok - Gol, Lake Maral-Gol, Lake Djeran-Gol, Lake Ordek-Gol, Lake Zaligohlyu, Lake Aggel, Lake Garagol and Lake Samlygel among them